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  2. 文化・伝統技法を未来へ

  3. 鉄と土と火と、


Iron, Soil, and Fire,

それぞれの産地から生まれる素材や技術、風景を同時に展示し、日本の古来から 続く人と自然との関わりから生まれた産業が織りなす「ものづくりのまち」を世界 に向けて発信する。そのために両市の職人が実演をし、伝統的な「ものづくり」を 身近に感じることができます。

The materials, techniques, and landscapes from each production area will be exhibited at the same time to show the world the “City of manufacturing” woven by industries born from the ancient relationship between people and nature in Japan. For this purpose, craftsmen from both cities will give demonstrations, allowing visitors to experience traditional “manufacturing” up close.

展示物、演目について学ぶ Learn About Exhibits and Performances

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The History of Blacksmithing in Sanjo?

Sanjo’s culture of craftsmanship began in the early Edo period when, in order to help farmers suffering from the Ikarashi River's frequent flooding, nail blacksmiths were invited from Edo to teach farmers how to make Japanese nails as a side job.
Using blacksmithing skills inherited over the years, the manufacture of knives, bladed tools, and other artisanal tools has flourished since the Meiji period, with high-quality metal products being produced in Sanjo for sale domestically and overseas.

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Metal Processing in Sanjo

Using the forging skills developed from the traditional techniques used to produce kitchen knives and artisanal tools, Sanjo is also known for manufacturing other goods such as work tools, measuring instruments, woodworking products, outdoor goods, and air conditioning equipment.
In addition to end products, forged parts necessary for automobiles, agricultural and other machinery are also manufactured in Sanjo. This focus on metal processing led to the accumulation of a wide variety of processing technologies such as press processing and mold manufacturing and transformed Sanjo into a metal industry city.

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Shigaraki ware - past and present

Its origins date back to the mid-Kamakura period, when pots and jars were made in anagama kiln. In the Muromachi and Momoyama periods, as the tea ceremony flourished, it became popular among tea masters and highly valued as tea utensils. The simple and human-touch works are the product of chance, woven together by clay and flame. The taste of the "scarlet color" and "glaze" creates the Japanese beauty of "wabi" and "sabi," and this superior technique has been pursued by many artisans. And while tradition has remained at the core, it has also changed with the times, and since the Showa period, raccoon figurines have become a symbol of the region.

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Shigaraki ware - made of clay

There are several reasons why pottery began to be made in Shigaraki, but one of the main reasons is the production of high-quality clay. Clay suitable for pottery must be sticky, strong, slippery, and stretchy. Shigaraki clay becomes strong when it is dried and crushed. This is because the sand grains contained in the base act as angular aggregate to prevent deformation, making it possible to make large objects such as raccoon figurines. On the other hand, Shigaraki clay that is mixed with water and then crushed contains many fine, rounded particles and is characterized by its slipperiness and stretchiness. It is suitable for making small items such as tableware and sencha tea utensils on the potter's wheel.

出展地域紹介 Participating Municipalities




Sanjo City

Sanjo City is a “manufacturing town” with a thriving metalworking industry centering on blacksmithing. In the city, there are facilities where visitors can experience blacksmithing and “open factories” where visitors can experience and observe manufacturing, which are popular among tourists. It is also an “outdoor town” with many outdoor-related companies and abundant nature, where visitors can enjoy the outdoors close at hand.

Sanjo Sightseeing Navi
Sanjo Blacksmith Dojo
Suwada Blacksmith Works, Inc.

Sanjo Blacksmith Dojo
Metal Processing in Sanjo City
Autumn leaves in Sanjo City
CAPTAIN STAG®八木ヶ鼻オートキャンプ場
CAPTAIN STAG® Yagigahana Car Camping Ground




Koka City

Located at a key transportation hub connecting the Kansai and Chubu regions and blessed with abundant nature, Koka City has developed a wide variety of traditions, including Shigaraki ware and ninja; both have been designated as Japan Heritage. Koka city is also known for tea, sake, and the medicine industry.

Koka City Tourism and Community Development Association
Shigaraki Tourism Association
The Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park
Koka City Website

A former inn used by Tokugawa Shoguns
Cycling in tea plantation
Cups of tea
A reservoir in morning mist