『産地の技術と魅力の共演 ~職人の想いをのせて~』
Craftsmanship and the Differences in Various Materials: The Collaboration of Local Techniques and Charms, With the Thoughts of Artisans
Bamboo, Chests, Gloves, Combs, Sculptures. Each of these carries the craftsmanship of artisans that has been passed down through history and culture. Through various exhibitions and experiences, we will deliver the differences in materials and techniques of traditional Japanese crafts that Japan takes pride in, along with the charm of the cities where these crafts thrive and the thoughts of artisans.
展示物、演目について学ぶ Learn About Exhibits and Performances
The pinnacle of paulownia chests, "Osaka Senshu Kiri-Dansu."
Senshu region, located in the southwestern part of Osaka Prefecture, has a 300-year history as the birthplace of paulownia chests. Recognized as a traditional craft by the Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry, over 90% of Osaka Senshu Kiri-Dansu is produced in Kishiwada. Paulownia wood has the unique ability to absorb moisture during humid periods and release it during dry times. Unlike other types of wood, paulownia has a slightly alkaline property that repels insects. With its airtightness, humidity control, and insect-proof qualities, paulownia chests are a traditional craft that Japan takes pride in and cannot be found in other regions.
「LOCAL JAPAN展」では、つげ櫛の展示や、職人による実演で、その魅力をご紹介いたします。ぜひつげ櫛で艶やかで美しい髪を体感してください。
Beauty for your hair with a Tsuge comb
This traditional comb has been around since ancient times, even mentioned in the Man'yoshu, an anthology from the Nara period. Approximately 70% of Tsuge comb production takes place in Kaizuka City, Osaka Prefecture, and it is a traditional craft that Kaizuka City is proud of.
There are many types of wooden combs in the world, but Tsuge combs are considered the finest. They are hard and resilient, making them difficult to break, and their surface is incredibly smooth and polished. This smooth glide through the hair is one of the defining features of Tsuge combs.
At the LOCAL JAPAN exhibition, we will introduce the charm of Tsuge combs through exhibits and demonstrations by craftmen.
We hope you will experience shiny and beautiful hair with Tsuge combs.
The Glove Town with a 90% Share in Japan
Higashi-Kagawa City in Kagawa Prefecture is a major hub for glove production, boasting a market share of 90% for fashion, cold-weather, and various sports gloves in Japan. With a history dating back to the Meiji era, the glove industry in Higashi-Kagawa City has adapted to evolving customer needs over 130 years.It is renowned not only domestically but also globally as a leading glove production area known for its diverse range of products and high-quality craftsmanship. Additionally, the city has expanded its production to include leather goods that utilize glove-making techniques.
日本で唯一 土佐の
「LOCAL JAPAN展」では、竹を使った作品の展示や、職人による実演で、虎斑竹の魅力を須崎市の歴史・風土とともにご紹介いたします。
Tosa Torafu Bamboo, Unique to Japan
"Tora-fu take" belongs to the pleioblastus species of bamboo and is a unique type found only in the Tora bamboo village of Anwa, Sukumo City, Kochi Prefecture. It is a mysterious bamboo with tiger-like patterns appearing on the surface of its stems, hence the name "Tosa Torafu" (Tiger-Spotted Bamboo). At the LOCAL JAPAN exhibition, we will introduce the allure of Tosa Torafu bamboo along with the history and local culture of Sukumo City. Experience the warmth of the people of Sukumo City and the natural beauty of bamboo at the venue.
「LOCAL JAPAN展」で、繊細かつ迫力のある彫刻をぜひご覧ください。
Preserving the Masterful Art of Danjiri Carvings
Danjiri festivals have a history of over 300 years, starting in the mid-Edo period. While their dynamic processions running through the city leave a lasting impression, the intricate carvings adorning them make them akin to “running artworks.” The stories depicted in the carvings often come from popular Kabuki plays, Bunraku puppet theater, and Koudan narrative storytelling, making them widely recognized by the public. Carvers use ukiyo-e prints and illustrations from picture books as references to create preliminary sketches, based on which they carve the exquisite designs onto keyaki (zelkova) wood. Witness the delicate yet powerful sculptures at the LOCAL JAPAN exhibition.
出展地域紹介 Participating Municipalities
Kishiwada City
Kishiwada City is the castle town closest to Kansai International Airport, and is home to Kishiwada Castle and the Kishiwada Danjiri Festival, which boasts history and tradition. As it is surrounded by mountains and the sea, the city is blessed with abundant agricultural and seafood products and a wide variety of natural resources.
●Kishiwada City
●Kishiwada Castle
●Kishiwada Danjiri Festival
●Kishiwada City's official Instagram

●Discover Kaizuka
Kaizuka City
Kaizuka is a town rich in nature, with the Blue Flag Beach "Nishiki-no-hama" and the beech forest of Mt. Izumi Katsuragi. There are traditional crafts such as boxwood combs and historical buildings such as Suima Temple and Jinaimachi. There are traditional events such as the Taikodai festival in the summer and the Danjiri festival in the fall.
●Kaizuka City Tourist Information
●Kaizuka City's official Instagram
●Discover Kaizuka

●Glove Museum
Higashikagawa City
Higashi-Kagawa City is located in the eastern part of Kagawa Prefecture, offering a serene coastal setting rich in natural beauty. Besides gloves, specialty products include the “Hiketa Buri,” a branded yellowtail fish, and the traditional Japanese sweet “Wa-Sanbon.” It is conveniently close to the Kansai region and will feature as a new area in the Setouchi Triennale Art Festival in 2025.
●Higashikagawa City Tourism Association
●Glove Museum
●Higashikagawa City's official Instagram

Susaki City
"Torafu take" belongs to the Henon bamboos species of bamboo and is a unique type found only in the Tora bamboo village of Awa, Susaki City, Kochi Prefecture. It is a mysterious bamboo with tiger-like patterns appearing on the surface of its stems, hence the name "Tosa Torafu" (Tiger-Spotted Bamboo). At the LOCAL JAPAN exhibition, we will introduce the allure of Tosa Torafu bamboo along with the history and local culture of Susaki City. Experience the warmth of the people of Susaki City and the natural beauty of bamboo at the venue.
●Susaki City
●Susaki City Tourism Association