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  2. いのちを繋ぐ日本的霊性

  3. 人々のくらしと共に舞い続けられてきた神楽と職人の技


Kagura and craftsmanship
that have continued to be performed alongside people's lives.


"Kagura" is the Japanese spirit of prayer.
"Iwami Kagura" from Hamada City, Shimane Prefecture and "Mera no Kagura" from Miyazaki Prefecture ( Saito city, Kijyo Town, Nishimera Village) will perform dances.
You can enjoy the characteristics of the two Kagura, the thoughts of the dancers, and the craftsmanship of the artisans. You will be invited to a world of mythology that transcends time and space.

展示物、演目について学ぶ Learn About Exhibits and Performances

浜田の夜神楽週末公演_浜田市職員石見神楽同好会 いわみ子供神楽フェスタ2024_1 いわみ子供神楽フェスタ2024_2 いわみ子供神楽フェスタ2024_3



Iwami Kagura

“Hamada, the town that created Iwami Kagura”
The traditional performing arts, “Iwami Kagura”, continues to evolve by creating new dances. At the same time, dances that have been passed down since ancient times are preserved and passed on. It has developed together, with the craftsmanship culture that supports Iwami Kagura. The beautiful, vibrant Kagura costumes, and the masks and snake body props made of Sekishu Washi (one of the World-Heritage listed Japanese washi papers), are all made by craftsmen here in Hamada.
The profound, yet light-hearted dancing of Iwami Kagura captivates all who sees it.

銀鏡神楽 6番 鵜戸鬼神(Udo Kijin) 銀鏡神楽 7番 幣指(Shiromi Kagura No.7 Heisashi) 銀鏡神楽 8番 西之宮大明神(Shiromi Kagura No.8 Nishinomiya Daimyojin Shrine) 銀鏡神楽32番 ししとぎり(Shishi togiri)



Mera Kagura, the Shinto music and the dance of the Mera district

Mera Kagura (Shiromi-Kagura) has been practiced at Shiromi Shrine in the Shiromi area of Saito City. Mera Kagura is Miyazaki’s first national important intangible folk cultural asset. Surrounded by precipitous mountains and fields, Shiromi has been deforested and burnt to harvest millet throughout the ages. This slash-and-burn agriculture is susceptible to damage by birds and wildlife, especially by boars. Hunting is indispensable in life in the region, its timeless importance having been expressed in a religious manner through Mera Kagura.

尾八重神楽 3番 地割(Jiwari) 尾八重神楽 8番 宿神(Ohae Kagura No.8 Syukujin) 尾八重神楽 11番 八社神楽(Hassyakagura) 尾八重神楽 11番 八社神楽(Hassyakagura)



Ohae Kagura

It is widely held that Ohae Kagura was originated in 1121 by Iki Uta no Kami, who was in service to the shrine Tsuma-jinja in Saito, built a komodō (hermitage) in the region of Yunokata in Merayama, preached Shugendō mountain ascetism and taught kagura. Iki Uta no Kami is said to descend to Earth as Yunokata Wakamiya Daimyōjin during Hanakijin – the fifth dance in the repertoire that leads into Hisashi. During Shukujin, the eighth dance in the repertoire, the Iki family permit prayers to be said to welcome their patron deity from Iwashimizu Hachimangū Shrine in Kyoto, who arrives, with the highest degree of reverence in Ohae Kagura, as Iwashimizu Shō Hachiman Daimyōjin.
It is said that kagura has its origin in the culture people had of offering prayers for a good birth, a good life and for the soul after death. In particular, the worship of nature and its associated philosophy, which are held to be the origins of this prayer culture, are reflected strongly in the dances.

中之又神楽 1番 奉賛舞(Nakanomata Kagura No.1 Housanmai(Praise Dance)_1 中之又神楽 1番 奉賛舞(Nakanomata Kagura No.1 Housanmai(Praise Dance)_2 中之又神楽 女性の舞い 中之又神楽_楽器



Nakanomata Kagura

It is believed that Nakanomata-jinja, where the repertoire of 33 kagura dances is performed, was founded in 1504. The shrine is something of a sōsha, or blanket shrine, with four main deities: besides Ubatake Daimyōjin, said to have been called over from Mt. Sobo, the region that stretches over the areas of Higo, Bungo and Hyuga, by prayers, similar to other Shinto shrines in the mountains, the shrine also venerates Emperor Jimmu, Usa Hachiman and Kasuga Inari Daimyōjin. Nakanomata Kagura is mainly performed by the families of the local priests. The disused Nakanomata Elementary School building is also used to give children a chance to experience life in a rural mountain community – many of the children that learn kagura there return to Nakanomata after they grow up on festival days to perform the dances.

越野尾神楽 7番 白稲荷Koshinoo  Kagura No.7 Shiro(White) inari




The Koshi-no-O Kagura follows the tradition of the Siromi Kagura. In Siromi, it was considered "not to be taken outside," but it was passed down to Koshi-no-O by residents of the Hae district in Higashi-Mera. Around the beginning of the Showa era, the parishioners of Kobaru Inari Jinjya proposed incorporating music into their festival. They invited performers from the Hae district, and the practice of flute and drum began. Once they mastered the music, they felt it was not enough and started to learn the Kagura dances as well. Practice sessions were held from sunset until around midnight, and the sound of flutes and drums echoed through the cold night air. After much effort and perseverance, the Kagura they mastered has been passed down to this day and is dedicated as Yokagura (Night Kagura) at the annual festival of Kobaru Inari jinjya.



「小川神楽」小川地区の鎮守である米良神社は、御祭神を大山祇命・磐長姫命とします。元禄16年の大洪水により社殿は川上に漂い、留まったのが現在の地であるといわれ、棟札には宝永2年米良領主 則信公により再建された記録が残っています。小川神楽はこの米良神社に伝わり、毎年12月第二土曜から日曜日にかけて神楽殿にて奉納されています。

Ogawa Kagura

Mera-jinja, the main village shrine in the Ogawa region, venerates the deities Ōyamazumi no mikoto and Iwanaga-hime no mikoto. It is said that the main jinjya building drifted from upstream in the great flood of 1703, and came to rest at the jinjya’s present location. According to a Munafuda[a board containing the history of the jinjya], the jinjya was rebuilt in 1705 by Mera Norinobu, head of the Mera Family. Ogawa kagura was passed down through the generations there at Mera-jinja, and is performed in the Kagura hall every year on the second Saturday and Sunday of December.




Murasho Kagura

Besides raising shime (sacred pillars used to welcome the gods) and performing all 33 dances in the kagura repertoire at the Murasho Community Center, in December, kagura is also performed at Sae Inari-jinja, and several other jinjya in the area.
The first part of the kagura, in which “Daiō-sama,” said to be Prince Kanenaga, together with local deities and others relating to the ancient Southern Court, descends to earth, is called the “kami kagura” (“kagura for the gods”), and consists of several solemn dances rich in ritualism. After the “shime ogami” (“prayer to the shime”), which announces the end of the kami kagura, is performed, it is time for the more stirring and rousing “min kagura” (“kagura for the people”), during which more lively kagura and musical accompaniment is permitted.

出展地域紹介 Participating Municipalities




Hamada City

Hamada City, located in western Shimane Prefecture (Iwami Region), is a prominent harbour town enclosed by the beautiful natural sceneries of the Chugoku mountains on one side, and the Sea of Japan on the other. Here, you can witness the sun setting into the mountains and the sea- a sight that attracts many from far and wide to Hamada. Enjoy a delectable selection of gourmet food produced by the sea and mountains, and take a trip to our bihada (beautiful skin) onsens, known for their superior skin-healing properties, to refresh your mind and body. Then, keep your ears open for the sound of traditional flutes and drums ringing through the town- that’s the sound signalling the start of Iwami Kagura, a traditional performance art that has been designated as “Japan Heritage”. Witness the dazzling costumes and the occasional daring use of pyrotechnics in the dances that draws in and charms people, as it always has for many generations.

Iwamikagura Official website

Sanin Hamada Port
Muroya Rice Terraces
Sunset at Tatamigaura
hot spring




Saito City

Saito City is located in the center of Miyazaki Prefecture, and is an area with many cultural resources such as the Saitobaru Burial Mounds and Kagura. The "Mera Kagura" exhibited this time is a night Kagura dance in which the idea of ​​nature worship is strongly reflected in the dance, and we are working to pass it on to the next generation by utilizing digital content, among other things.

Saito City Tourism Association
Saito City Official Instagram(@saito_city_official)
Miyazaki Cultural Heritage Information 

銀鏡神楽 6番 鵜戸鬼神
Shiromi Kagura (Udo Kijin)
銀鏡神楽 10番 宿神三宝荒神
Shiromi Kagura (Syukujin Sanpou Kojin)
尾八重神楽 8番 宿神
Ohae Kagura No.8 Syukujin
尾八重神楽 10番 八幡
Ohae Kagura No.10 Hachiman




Nishimera Village

Nishimera Village is a beautiful village where the original scenery of good old Japan remains. It is located in Miyazaki Prefecture and has a population of approximately 1,000 people. We live in harmony with nature,where the spirits of Kalicobouzu dwell. Kagura, which has taken root in this way of life and has been passed down from generation to generation,will be performed at this Expo.

The Nishimera Village Tourism Association「Nishimera Info」

村所神楽 14番 八幡様
Murasyo Kagura No.14 Hachimansama
越野尾神楽 7番 白稲荷
Koshinoo Kagura No.7 Shiro(White) inari
小川神楽 9番 御祭神様
Ogawa Kagura No.9 Gosaishinsama(Enshrined Deity)




Kijo Town

Kijo Town is located almost in the center of Miyazaki Prefecture, and is a town blessed with a rich natural environment. Nakanomata Kagura, which has been passed down in the Nakanomata area, has been designated as an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Properly of Japan as Mera Kagura along with the kagura of Saito city and Nishimera Village.

Kijo Town Homepage

御門御神幸祭 迎え火
Nakanomata Kagura
御門御神幸祭 オサラバ
Nakanomata Kagura