The energy of dance bringing
good luck and happiness
A special stage where you can feel the different expressions of each festival that pray for a good match, a safe childbirth, a bountiful harvest and a good catch.
Traditional festivals that have been passed down for generations in each region will collaborate at the Expo to bring the energy of festivals through dance.
展示物、演目について学ぶ Learn About Exhibits and Performances
IWAMI KAGURA -Living Tradition-
Iwami Kagura originates from the Iwami region in Shimane Prefecture in Western Japan and is best known for its fast-paced music and dance, gorgeous costumes and simple stories.
While urbanization and cultural changes in the rest of Japan have resulted in kagura rituals not being passed down to successive generations, kagura in the Iwami region thrives as a popular form of both entertainment and ritual. In fact, there are currently more than 130 active Iwami Kagura organizations, or shachu.
Masuda City is promoting the industrialization of Iwami Kagura and the training of its bearers in order to preserve and utilize the traditional performing art "Iwami Kagura."
In order to let various people know the charm of Iwami Kagura, we offer Iwami Kagura Experiences for children, perform in various places in Japan, and give the Night Kagura Performances in the city.
City-designated intangible folk cultural property: Makura Matsuri at Hineno Shrine
Makura Matsuri is a unique festival held at Hineno Shrine every year on May 4th and 5th, in which people parade around the town with carrying “Makura Nobori”, which are bamboo poles about five meters long with colorfully decorated pillows attached to them.
The districts of Hineno, Kaminogo, and Nagataki in Izumisano City take turns carrying out the festival once every nine years, and it is characterized by a high degree of leadership and involvement of local communities.
The origin of this festival is when young brides and girls from the village dedicated 25 decorated pillows, in prayer for childbirth and good match, and people carried Makura Nobori with those pillows attached to them to the shrine.
Recently, it has become a seasonal sight in the spring that the three Makura Nobori being slowly paraded through the town with the singing of Gosha Ondo song after being purified at the shrine.
出展地域紹介 Participating Municipalities
泉佐野市は大阪南部の泉州地域にある人口約10万人のまちです。市内に関西国際空港と、大阪で唯一の温泉郷「犬鳴山温泉」があります。「まくらまつり」は日本遺産「旅引付と二枚の絵図が伝えるまち ―中世日根荘の風景―」のストーリーを構成する文化財の1つです。
●MOTT SANO(もっとさの)
Izumisano City
Izumisano is a city with a population of approximately 100,000 located in Senshu region in southern Osaka. The city is home to Kansai International Airport and Inunakiyama Onsen, the only natural hot spring in Osaka Prefecture. The “Makura Matsuri” is one of the cultural properties that constitute the story of the “Villages depicted in Tabihikitsuke and two paintings: Landscape of Hinenosho, a manor in medieval Japan,“ which has been selected as Japan Heritage.
●Izumisano City Tourism Association
●Izumisano City promotion Partnership

Masuda City
Just as history, culture, and nature are different all around the world, the same things differ greatly within each region of Japan; each has its own charm. You can experience unique history and nature for the first time in Masuda, The art and entertainment in this town shine just as brightly as the people who dwell within it, The Essence of Masuda City is one that holds Masuda’s people in harmony with its history, culture and nature, These are things that can truly only be enjoyed in Masuda.
●Masuda City Tourism Association