1. TOP


  2. Passing on Culture and Traditional Craftmanship into the Future

  3. A feast of sharp blades woven by the miracle of forged blades


A feast of sharp blades woven
by the miracle of forged blades


Giant monuments “Kanamono Washi (Hardware Eagle)” and “Shoryu (ascending Dragon)” assembled with “MIKI Kanamono (Hardware)” and “ECHIZEN Uchihamono (Forged Blades)” are exhibited in one place, showing the beauty and craftsmanship of these two monuments. Visitors can learn more about traditional Japanese crafts and manufacturing techniques by experiencing the skills of one of Japan’s leading cutlery production centers that been in existence since ancient times.

展示物、演目について学ぶ Learn About Exhibits and Performances

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Symbol of Miki hardware: Hardware Eagle

The hardware eagle is a symbolic object made of more than 3,000 hardware such as saws, kitchen knives, small knives, and sickles that represent Miki hardware. A hardware eagle that weighs about 1.5 tons, has about 5 meters on both wings, and has a height of about 3 meters. It has been produced for four generations until now, and has been the focus of attention at events such as the "Miki Hardware Festival".

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「昇龍」は、これまで一度も越前市以外で展示されたことはなく、「LOCAL JAPAN展」が初の市外での展示になります。

The Origin of Echizen Uchihamono:"Shouryu"

There is a myth told about how the original creator of Echizen Uchihamono, Chiyozuru Kuniyasu, settled in Echizen City as the place to forge his knives after dreaming about a dragon (ryu) ascending (shou) from a pond. This myth serves as the motif for“Shouryu”which was created in 1964.
Serving as the symbol of Echizen Uchihamono and created with the use of approximately 3,000 pieces, this massive object weighs approximately 500 kilograms, is 3.6 meters in length, and 1.8 meters tall.
“Shouryu” has never been exhibited outside of Echizen City therefore“LOCAL JAPAN Exhibition” is the first time it has been exhibited outside of the city.

三木金物 播州三木打刃物


国内のみならず海外でも根強い支持を受けている三木金物。 約400年の歴史を持つ三木金物は昔から続いている鍛冶職人の手づくりの技と先進機器の技術と良質の素材を駆使して作られています。江戸時代より優れた技術、技法により受け継がれてきた「播州三木打刃物」は平成8年全国伝統的工芸品として指定を受けました(指定は当時の通商産業省、現在の経済産業省より。鋸・鑿・鉋・鏝・小刀)。現在、当組合では伝統工芸士として認定を受けました者は11名です。(令和6年11月現在) これらの技術の保存と後継者の育成にたゆまぬ努力を致しております。

About Miki hardware

One of the leading producers of hardware in Japan since ancient times Miki hardware has received strong support not only in Japan but also overseas. Miki hardware, which has a history of about 400 years, is made by making full use of the handmade techniques of blacksmiths, the technology of advanced equipment, and high-quality materials that have been continued for a long time.Traditional crafts "Banshu Miki Uchihamono", which has been handed down from the Edo period with excellent techniques and techniques, was designated as a national traditional craft in 1996 (Designated by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry at that time and the current Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Saw, chisel, plane, trowel, knife). Currently, there are 11 people certified as traditional craftsmen in Miki city (As of November 2024).

越前打刃物 越前打刃物 タケフナイフビレッジ 越前打刃物 製品イメージ(刃物の里版) 越前打刃物 製品イメージ



Echizen Uchihamono has been overwhelmingly supported by first-class chefs as their reliable partners.

Echizen Uchihamono is a traditional handicraft Echizen City boasts to the world with having approximately over 700 years of long history. The forging technology has inherited from ancient times. “Forging” refers to the process of strengthening the heated metal by hammering it repeatedly. Even now, craftsmen elaborately sharpen the blades they forged by hand and finish them so that they have sharp cutting quality.  Echizen is the first knife industry area in Japan where its products were designated as “National Traditional Craft” in 1979, in recognition of the sophisticated traditional technology. In recent years, kitchen knives and steak knives are created using both traditional technology and modern design. This made them highly sought throughout the world. Due to orders pouring in from first-class chefs globally, production has struggled to keep up with the high demand.

出展地域紹介 Participating Municipalities


古の王が治めた「越の国」の入口として栄え、源氏物語の作者 紫式部が生涯でただ一度、都を離暮らした地、「越前市」

越前市観光協会「手仕事を巡る旅 越前叡智」 

Echizen City

The land that prospered as the entrance of “Koshi-no-Kuni” by the designation of an ancient lord was the only place the author of The Tale of Genji, Murasaki Shikubu, spent her days outside of the capital which eventually became known as Echizen City.
Traditional industries that have retained their techniques and spirit and leading-edge industries essential to modern life coexist in this city of craftsmanship.

Echizen city website
Echizenshi Travel And Tourism Association "Craft Tourism Echizen"

Statue of Murasaki Shikibu
Echizen Uchihamono(Knives)
Echizen Washi(japanese paper)
Echizen Tansu(chest of drawers)




Miki City

Miki city is the main producer of Yamada Nishiki (rice for sake brewing),and is also famous nationwide for its Miki hardware brand. The Chugoku Expressway and Sanyo Expressway pass through the city, making it a transportation hub that is attracting attention nationwide. It is home to numerous golf courses (No.1 in Western Japan), and has a wide range of tourist attraction, including the large resort facility Nesta Resort Kobe.

Miki city website
Miki Travel And Tourism Association "ODEKAKE MIKI"

Yamada Nishiki
(rice for sake brewing)
numerous golf courses
(No.1 in Western Japan)
Kanamono Washi
(Hardware Eagle)