主催者挨拶 Greetings from the Organizers
ぜひ、2025年7月28日〜31日開催のLOCAL JAPAN展にご来場いただき、
Thank you for visiting the exhibition.
The Expo Mayoral Alliance, which organizes this event, is a coalition of mayors from cities, towns, and villages across Japan.
By collaborating not only with the 43 participating municipalities (regions) in this event, spanning from Tohoku to Okinawa, but also with member municipalities nationwide, we aim to promote Japan's allure through local communities. Our goal is to foster the culture, skills, history, and industrial development of each region, contributing to Japan's overall growth.
We sincerely hope you will join the LOCAL JAPAN Exhibition, held from July 28 to 31, 2025, and discover your favorite regions, cultures, and more!
日本各地の生活、文化、歴史、慣習、技術を継承、更新、後世へ「いのち輝く未来社会」を共創で実現 Co-creating a "Future Society for Our Lives" by preserving, evolving, and passing down the lifestyles, cultures, histories, customs and techniques of regions across Japan
『2025年日本国際博覧会』を契機として日本中の首長、政府、多様な業界の企業と連携し地域ならではの魅力を日本中、世界中に発信、地域の未来づくりを支援することを通じた日本全体の発展を担います Taking the opportunity of the EXPO 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan to collaborate with local leaders, the government, and companies from various industries across Japan by showcasing the unique allure of each region to Japan and to the world, and supporting regional future development, we aim to contribute to the overall growth of Japan.
万博首長連合について About the Mayoral Alliance for EXPO2025
- 正式名称 Official Name
Mayoral Alliance for EXPO2025 OSAKA, KANSAI, JAPAN Mayoral Alliance for Creating the Future, in collaboration with the EXPO 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan
- 設立 Established
- 2021年11月8日 November 8, 2021
- 会員 Members
- 全国の666市区町村の長(2024年11月現在) Mayors, leaders of 666 cities, wards, towns, and villages of Japan (as of November 2024)
- 活動内容 Initiatives
- 1. 2025年日本国際博覧会の掲げるビジョンとテーマに沿って、
地域が持続的に発展するための活動全体の企画及び総合調整に関すること - 2. 2025年日本国際博覧会や地域活性化に係る情報共有に関すること
- 3. セミナー、ワークショップ等の開催に関すること
- 4. 行政、専門家、民間企業との連携に関すること
- 5. 会員同士のネットワーク構築に関すること
- 6. その他目的を達成するために必要な活動
- 1. Plan and coordinate activities to ensure the sustainable development of regional communities in alignment with the vision and themes of the EXPO 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan.
- 2. Share information related to the EXPO 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan, and regional revitalization.
- 3. Organize seminars, workshops, and similar events to promote engagement and collaboration.
- 4. Collaborate with government agencies, experts, and private companies.
- 5. Build networks among members.
- 6. Conduct other activities to fulfill the objectives.
- 1. 2025年日本国際博覧会の掲げるビジョンとテーマに沿って、
Please use the form here for inquiries or media requests regarding the Mayoral Alliance for EXPO 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan.